Good Morning,
I hope you Halloweenie Day is starting on the right foot. We wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. These are the kids in their Halloween Day gear, they will sport their costumes tonight.
Love you all,
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Posted by
9:12 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Re: [Cooper-Family] Update on Operation Daddy coming home, LOL
Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen,
A few updates...they all happened so quick that I till now am getting to updating.
First, our first delay, we are now looking at about a 6pm reunion time. One hour and half later, which I don’t think is bad at all. Honestly I needed the extra time.
Second, I just got a phone call from the the Hero himself. He has landed in the U.S. Safe and sound. He is in Maine. He already got to drink a beer in Germany, lol. So, we can atleast sigh in relief that is back on U.S. Soil.
Because of the delay I wont be leaving till 2pm eastern time.
Love you all
Melanie and kiddos
On 10/23/08 9:08 AM, "Melanie Cooper" <> wrote:
Well the craziness has begun. The kids well, Cameron and Sydney have been up
since 3 am. This is after I gave them something to help them sleep. Natalie
has already had the first breakdown of the day. Ben has decided to just lay
on the couch and stay out of our way, lol. I have not heard from Nick.
Just got done talking to our Team leader's Wife and she hasn't heard from
them either. And well in life with the Marine Corp no news is good news. So,
as long as we are concern things are going well.
Feel free to email, text or call, we will not leaving the house till noon
eastern time. This is cause traffic will be crazy and we have a couple of
stops to do too. They are schedule to arrive to the meeting sight around
430pm. All entertainment, jokes and texts will be welcome.
Love you all
The very excited Coopers in North Carolina
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Posted by
12:40 PM
Update on Operation Daddy coming home, LOL
Well the craziness has begun. The kids well, Cameron and Sydney have been up
since 3 am. This is after I gave them something to help them sleep. Natalie
has already had the first breakdown of the day. Ben has decided to just lay
on the couch and stay out of our way, lol. I have not heard from Nick.
Just got done talking to our Team leader's Wife and she hasn't heard from
them either. And well in life with the Marine Corp no news is good news. So,
as long as we are concern things are going well.
Feel free to email, text or call, we will not leaving the house till noon
eastern time. This is cause traffic will be crazy and we have a couple of
stops to do too. They are schedule to arrive to the meeting sight around
430pm. All entertainment, jokes and texts will be welcome.
Love you all
The very excited Coopers in North Carolina
Posted by
9:08 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
FW: IMG00316.jpg
with us even if its across the miles I thought I would share. Its very
windy, so the holes is to help with the wind and not get torn down. Let me
tell you that must of been the funniest sight to be seen watching short me
putting this thing up.
Fabulous Pat and Joe made Nick a sign that will be hung in front of the
house. So when that is done I will send that pic. Was going to hand it on
base but I ran out of time and supplies.
Love you
The crazily excited Wife Melanie
------ End of Forwarded Message
Posted by
4:08 PM
Update on that man I am married too,lol
Ladies, Gentleman,boys and girls,
I am happy to inform all you wonderful people that Nick is on locked down.
No No, this is good. This mean he has been through customs and done all the
necessary paper work. He is just sitting waiting to board the flight out of
the lovely sand box. Now mind you this is far from a direct flight home. He
has a day and half of traveling to do. So, if you all know my husband, know
that is not the most patient guy in the world. Keep him, his team and the
other 3 teams traveling home in your prayers. Patience is on short supply.
As much as these guys have bonded over the last year, quite honestly, they
are sick of each other. They are on the stage where, they will argue over
the silliest things. So lets hope for safe travels and no delays.
On the homefront, I am running around with my head cut off, lol. That is
just how I do things I guess. The kids are so excited they are besides
themselves. I am thankful for school, if not I don't think we make it to
when Nick would get home. The little ones think that dad comes home later
then he actually is. I did this to account for delays if they happen.
Cameron is aware of the actual time of arrival, cause I slipped. But he also
understands how things change when you are part of the Marine Family.
Ok, I have rambled enough. I have kids getting ready for school.
Love you all!!
The very happy and excited
Wife and kiddos of SSgt. Cooper who is finally on his way home
Posted by
6:58 AM